phone charging simulation with particle system

Welcome to Chapter 4 of The Nature of Code: Particle Systems! I begin by coding a simple particle system in p5.js. I convert the Mover class into a Particle class, add a lifetime property, and organize a collection of particles into an array.
William T. Reeves' article on modeling fuzzy objects like fire, clouds, and water with particle systems
Coding Challenge to make a smoke effect particle system
Nature of Code video on applying gravity and wind to a mover object
Code! Programming with p5.js video on using ES6 classes and for loops to make an array of objects
July 4th themed Coding Challenge to build a fireworks simulation in p5.js and Processing
Coding Train video on the filter() function in JavaScript
Code! Programming with p5.js video on removing objects from arrays
by Mathieu Blanchette
by Jason Heglund
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