Welcome to the Coding Train with Daniel Shiffman! A community dedicated to learning creative coding with beginner-friendly tutorials and projects on YouTube and more.
Welcome to the Coding Train with Daniel Shiffman! A community dedicated to learning creative coding with beginner-friendly tutorials and projects on YouTube and more.
All aboard! Welcome to all beginners and code-curious individuals ready for a journey of self-expression and playful coding.
Don't know where to start?
have questions?
Streamline your learning experience and take a ride along a Track on The Coding Train. Tracks are collections of video tutorials that follow a sequenced curriculum.
Ready to learn? Hop on a track for beginners and more!
Watch Dan take on Coding Challenges in p5.js and Processing. The challenge topics include algorithmic art, machine learning, simulation, generative poetry, and more.
ready to explore? try a challenge!
Want to see more?
Keep your eye out for events in the future!
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YouTube Membership
GitHub Sponsorship
Twitch Subscription
Nature of Code Book
Nebula Subscription